Hangglider sails have two sides - top and bottom- and each side is composed by several fabric panels.
The purpose of the configurator is to ease the process of choosing the colors a/o materials for every panel,
by supplying its appropriate palette of choices
An interactive schema is displayed, where the customer can select panels and colors, and visually experiment various combinations
and eventually keep track of the preferred configuration :
- by printing the configuration summary, or
- by downloading the summary in PDF format
configurator page, where the interaction take place
The mouse interaction is simple and natural- click inside one panel area to toggle show-hide its related available-colors palette
- click the color of your choice and get the panel filled in - (and when filled, the palette disappear)
- repeat this process as you like
- use the TOP/BOTTOM toggle to switch sail schema
- when you are done with one side configuration push the blue button to SAVE this side choices
- repeat and SAVE for the other side too
- once you saved both side configuration click the green button to CHECK your configuration summary
summary check page, where the summary is displayed, allowing for printing or downloading
- this page summarize your configuration showing the two sides schemas for a visual check
- and one table to keep clearly in writing the details of your configuration
- if something needs to be modified click CLOSE and go back
if it's all ok, than click the red button and open the PRINT PREVIEW panel of the browser
- set the output destination to file.PDF or to the PRINTER
- set the page orientation to LANDSCAPE
- click the PRINT button to get your output.